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Housing Associations

Helping your residents to be healthy and eat nutritious meals

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Work with me to help your residents become more aware of the foods they eat, and of the consequences that may arise from unhealthiness. 

Together with housing associations and their staff, I aim to promote sustainable lifestyle changes for the residents. 

'There are links between obesity and social care need: both through the association between obesity and the development of long term conditions, and the physical and social difficulties that may result from the development of severe obesity. As the prevalence of obesity, especially severe obesity, along with associated long term conditions such as diabetes, increases in the population, health and social care costs are likely to rise. Effectively preventing and treating obesity has the potential to significantly improve quality of life and well being, in addition to reducing health and social care costs. Services should address both prevention and treatment of obesity in order to reduce this burden on individuals and society.'

Source: Social Care and Obesity – a discussion paper 2013

Social housing incorporates a wide variety of residents. I offer something for everyone, by giving people: 

  • The confidence to cook 

  • Nutrition and healthy eating advice, and an insight into the benefits of a balanced diet 

  • The support to develop sustainable lifestyle changes 

  • Education on how to provide for themselves on a small budget and reduce food waste

  • A chance to bond as a community, reducing social isolation


My services are flexible and unique to each project. Some examples of my work in the past are:

  • Giving interactive workshops in kitchens

  • Introducing and demonstrating new, healthy nutritious recipes


Please watch our video below, to find out more about how we work.

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